Queen Elizabeth ll article

this article is about how Queen Elizabeth the second has become the longest resigning UK monarch.
Queen Elizabeth ll becomes longest resigning UK monarch.
bbc.com is where the article came from
Queen Elizabeth the second resigned after 23,226 days, 16 hours, and 30 minutes.She gave a speech on the day of her resign talking about her “milestones”, and such things like that.
Well there’s not really an issue in this article so there is not an issue to take a position on.I do feel sad for the british people because I don’t see how someone could hate on this old lady but she been in charge for quite some time so maybe someone can take her place now since she’s old.This article doesn’t really effect me since i’m in America.
this really isn’t a world wide subject it’s mostly affecting the UK, so this event might not impact the world but it might be an interesting topic that many people from around the world might be entertained by.