TOPIC: Man Decapitates Wife And Walks Around Town With Her Head
TITLE: Shocking moment husband is seen carrying his wife’s severed head in India after he decapitated her with an axe because he thought she was having an affair
SUMMARY:A man from Pune, India, was arrested for killing and decapitating his wife
He was filmed carrying her head in public in view of shocked bystanders
It is claimed he killed his wife because he thought she was having an affair
The 45-year-old local man was quickly stopped and arrested by local police
REACTION: My reaction was terrified, because their could be people right next to your who could be the same type of crazy.
FEEL: I feel like this man is crazy and had mental problems that he really needed help with.And it makes me feel sad for that woman.
AFFECT: This personally doesn’t affect me.
WORLD IMPACT:This couldn’t impact the world in a good way by showing people that not everyone is who they seem they are to be. It could also be a bad way because if there’s video of it children might see it and either be traumatized or think they should do that too.
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