TOPIC: Girl uses Facebook to find a guy but his actual girlfriend responds
TITLE: Single woman’s Facebook plea to find ‘absolutely stunning’ man she met on a night out backfires when his girlfriend responds instead.
SUMMARY: Pippa Mckinney met Matt in a club and tried to find him on facebook, and she claims that the mystery man’s girlfriend spotted her post, Pippa’s status has gotten 17,000 likes.
REACTION:At first my reaction was that it was pretty funny, but after reading through the article it actually kind of embarrassing not really for the girl who posted the post but for the girlfriend and the boyfriend.
FEEL: I feel like it’s a funny unusual event, but however this story is really not a big deal.\
EFFECT ME: this does not affect me
WORLD IMPACT: The could impact the world because it shows how nothing on the internet is private anymore and it’s harder to lie to girls this day in age because girls can literally find anything out through the internet without even trying.