Current event story sept 2 2015 1.An abandoned truck full of bodies was found on the side of a highway in eastern Australia
2 A “Truck full of bodies” found in eastern Australia: Official
3 Google news
4. Basically,there was an abandoned truck found in eastern Australia and the police thought the dead were refugees, and they also could not figure exactly how many there are and they think they were suffocated.
5 My position on this article is that it is a very gross messed up situation that can lead to more hame in the future.I also feel terrible for all the people and family traumatized by this event. This event doesn’t really effect me but it does scare me to think something like this might happen in the u.s since Australia is a lot like the u.s.
6 This event can affect the world by making other countries do the same thing to other countries. Another thing is it could make it seem like Australia is a weak country and other countries might attack it. It also could affect the world in a positive way by making this a call to action for Australia and other countries might help Australia, or countries could come together and try to stop this from happening in their country.
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