To prepare for district, the debate team will compete other schools, in the area, on December 13th in Canton, Texas.
“I had to get in two debate meets in this semester, so… I wouldn’t fail”, freshman debater Chandler Gordy said. In each semester of debate each student must compete or watch at least two meets per semester. If they don’t go to one it’s a zero in the gradebook, and if they only go to one it’s a 50.
“Well the day that the Canton meet is happening is the exact same day of all region tryouts,and I’ve already committed to doing that.I mean there’s going to be more debate meets, but there’s only one all region tryout, so I’m doing that,” Freshman debater Mya Plyler said. The only meet that Mya went to was the angel meet [The first meet of the year] and the meet after that Mya had a concert to perform, and the meet after that she got sick.
“Since I only watched the White Oak meet, and I’m competing in the Canton meet, I’ll probably be more nervous, but I’ll actually learn something,” freshman debater Austin Henry said. For the canton meet the debate team must get to the school at 6:45 and are will be home at around 5:00.
“I think we’ll do really well, were taking some of our top teams and I think it will be some of the best competition we’ve seen all season, but I think we’ll be able to hang right there with them,” Mrs.Siemers the debate teacher said. When the debate team goes to Canton, Mrs.siemers drives the team in a school bus,pays for the team to debate, and buys them peanut butter sandwiches, oreos and chips.
“Honestly, all of the meets leading up to district don’t matter.The only thing that really counts is what you do there and, hopefully, at state,” junior debater Cade Palmer said.