My Sense of Sight

There are five total senses that God gave us. Some people are not as lucky as me to have all senses. Out of all five senses touch, sight, taste, smell, and hearing, I would pick sight. Now I know that it’s not very creative and almost everyone would pick it because well, it’s your eyes. They’re important, but there’s a reason behind my choice.

Well the reason I choose sight is because almost everyone in my family is either blind or can’t see very well, and I’m the only one in my family to have perfect eyesight. My mom said that I was truly blessed. One reason she said that was because she has to have three different glass. Also my brother when he was in 4th or 5th grade he would get bullied because he would try to play basketball with his friends but it was very hard to see the basket, and he couldn’t see the board so he would make bad grades. Then he told my mom about it and when he went to the eye doctor he found out he was blind as a bat,so he got glasses and then when he started high school got contacts. Then when my grandma was around 64 she started going blind .She didn’t want her family to worry about her so. She got lurgy,but the surgery messed up her eyes,and she can’t see out of the sides of her eyes.

Another reason it is good I that I had perfect eyesight is because when I was really little I couldn’t talk til I was about 4 1/2 years old. I would go to speech therapy and one of the things that help me with that was seeing the words and seeing how to words sounded like.

If I couldn’t see or see very well I problem wouldn’t be different from my family. I would be like everyone else. Also I wouldn’t have learned how to talk or read and I wouldn’t get to see all the different colors of the worlds. I am truly blessed to have my perfect eyesight!